Centre de référence
des maladies rares
du pancréas

Introducing the PaRaDis Centre

PaRaDis is the Reference Centre for RarePancreatic Diseases.

This is a specialized centre whose mission is to gather and coordinate information on care, expert knowledge, resources, research, education and training in rare pancreatic diseases.

It comprises:

1 Coordinating Centre:

Hôpital Beaujon, Clichy - Pancreatic diseases department: Prof. Vinciane REBOURS, Prof. Philippe LEVY and Dr. Lucie LAURENT
Email: centre.paradis@aphp.fr
Tel: +33 1 40 87 52 15 - Fax: +33 1 42 70 37 84
Psychologist: Ms. Sabine LEBLANC
Algologist: Dr. Laurent BUCCHINI

7 Competence Centres:

•    CHU Besançon – Gastroenterology department: Dr. Stephane KOCH
Email: gastro-enterologie@chu-besancon.fr
Tel: +33 3 81 66 82 54 - FAX: +33 3 81 66 84 17
Psychologist: Ms. Laurence BARTHOD - Tel: 03 81 21 86 30
Algologist: Dr. Veronique PICCAND - Tel: +33 3 81 66 85 09

•    Cabinet Auriol and Hôpital Privé Jean Mermoz LYON - Gastroenterology department: Dr. Bertrand NAPOLEON, Dr. Rodica GINCUL and Dr. Sarah LEBLANC
Email: cabinet-auriol@gelmad.fr
Tel: +33 4 78 75 67 43 - FAX: +33 4 78 74 26 55

•    CHU Nantes - Gastroenterology department: Prof. Emmanuel CORON, Dr. Marc LERHUN and Dr. Hannah GONDRAN
Email: bp-secretariat-hepato-gastro-entero@chu-nantes.fr
Tel: +33 2 40 08 31 52 - FAX: +33 2 40 08 31 54

•    CHU Reims – Hepato-Gastroenterology and Digestive Cancer department: Prof. Guillaume CADIOT and Dr. Mathias BRUGEL
Email: gcadiot@chu-reims.fr et mbrugel@chu-reims.fr
Tel: +33 3 26 78 84 41- FAX: +33 3 26 78 40 61

•    CHU Rouen - Gastroenterology department: Prof. Pierre MICHEL and Dr. Lucie THOMASSIN
Email: pierre.michel@chu-rouen.fr; lucie.thomassin@chu-rouen.fr
Secretariat Tel: +33 2 32 88 64 56 - FAX: +33 2 32 88 56 50

•    CHU Toulouse - Gastroenterology department: Prof. Louis BUSCAIL and Prof. Barbara BOURNE
Email: buscail.sec@chu-toulouse.fr
Secretariat Tel: +33 5 61 32 27 61 - FAX: +33 5 61 32 22 29

•    CHU Brest - Medical Genetics and Reproductive Biology department: Prof. Claude FEREC, Dr. Emmanuelle MASSON and EFS: Dr. Jian-Min Chen

Prof. Claude FEREC, PU-PH in Genetics
Email: claude.ferec@univ-brest.fr
Secretariat Tel: +33 2 98 01 72 81

Dr. Emmanuelle MASSON, Research Engineer
Email: emmanuelle.masson@univ-brest.fr
Secretariat Tel: +33 2 29 02 01 50

Dr. Jian-Min CHEN, Director of Research EFS
Email: jian-min.chen@univ-brest.fr
Switchboard Tel: +33 2 98 01 81 74

Close collaboration with partner centres:

•    CHU Grenoble - Hepato-Gastroenterology department: Dr. Christelle d’ENGREMONT and Prof. Mircea CHIRICA
Email: CDengremont@chu-grenoble.fr
Email: gastro-enterologie@chu-besancon.fr
Tel: +33 4 76 76 51 68 - FAX: +33 4 76 76 51 79
Bariatric surgeon: Prof. Mircea CHIRICA -Tel: +33 4 76 76 92 79

•    CHU Bordeaux, CMC Magellan Hôpital Haut-Lévêque - Hepato-Gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology department: Prof. Frank ZERBIB, Prof. David LAHARIE and Dr. Clement SUBTIL
Email: sec-consult-hge.magellan@chu-bordeaux.fr
Tel: +33 5 57 65 64 39 - FAX: +33 5 57 65 64 45

•    Hôpital La Timone, Pole MAD, APHM.  Hepato-gastroenterology service : Prof. Philippe GRANDVAL, Dr. Laurent HEYRIES and Prof. Alexandre FABRE (paediatrics)
Email: secretariat.gastro1.timone@ap-hm.fr
Tel : +33 04 91 38 60 23 - Fax : +33 04 91 38 48 73
Nurse : Mme Elodie RIFFAULT
Psychologist: Mme Lima BITTENCOURT 
Algologist : [name to come]

•    Hôpital Huriez , CHRU de Lille – Adult gastroenterolgy and digestive disease department: Pr Julien BRANCHE and Pr Alexandre LOUVET
Tel : +33 3 20 44 42 18 

•    Hôpital l’Archet II , CHU de Nice – Hepato and Gastroenteroly Unit: Dr Eve GELSI
Tel : +33 4 92 03 60 18

•    Hôpital Nord of Marseille - Hepato-Gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology department: Pr Marc BARTHET
Email: s.secr.gastro.nord@ap-hm.fr
Tel : +33 4 91 96 87 37 - Fax : +33 4 91 96 51 08

•    Hôpital Edouard Herriot of Lyon - Hepato and Gastroenteroly Unit: Pr Jean-Christophe SAURIN
Tél: + 33 4 72 11 13 13